Exploring the Different Types of Water and Wastewater Valves Available in the Market

13 Sep


Wastewater treatment is an essential component of urban sewage management. Before the sewage water drains into natural freshwater sources like rivers, lakes, and ponds, it needs to be treated. For this, wastewater needs to be effectively segregated and then treated using different methods. Water and wastewater valves perform this exact function by controlling the flow and temperature of sewage water.

Different types of water and wastewater valves

Over the years, different types of wastewater valves have come up in the market owing to the differing needs of the global urban landscape. Of these types, certain variants like ball valves, plug valves, gate valves, and butterfly valves have become quite popular. Ball valves have rotating spheres inside a pipe which control the flow of sewage water flowing through it. Ball valves are widely used due to their cost-efficient and low-maintenance nature. Plug valves are similar to ball valves; the only major difference is that the plug used in the pipe opens and shuts instead of rotating as in the case of ball valves.

Butterfly valves use a disc with an attached stem, along with a series of circular flaps to control the flow of sewage water. Butterfly valves are the most used type of wastewater valves in the pharmaceutical and chemicals manufacturing industries. Butterfly valves are further classified into three types- concentric valves, double eccentric valves, and triple eccentric valves. Gate valves are somewhat different from the rest of the valves, in that their function is more towards preventing the flow and leakage of wastewater.

Latest trends in the water and wastewater valves industry

A recently published market research report by Allied Market Research highlights that the water and wastewater valve market is predicted to grow at a stunning CAGR of 4.5% in the 2023-2032 timeframe. There are several reasons behind this expected surge; one major factor is the extensive pace of urbanization across the entire globe. Developed and developing economies are experiencing a renewed wave of industrialization which is expected to increase the demand for wastewater treatment strategies including water and wastewater valves. At the same, issues of water scarcity in several countries of Asia-Pacific and Africa has led to an increase in establishment of several sewage water treatment facilities which has increased the demand for wastewater valves.

Strategic mergers and acquisitions

Though sewage water treatment is primarily the responsibility of local government authorities, several private companies, too, have come up in the market which have established themselves as the leading forces in the industry. These companies, to increase their presence in the market, have entered into strategic alliances with other companies in the industry. In May 2023, for instance, DXP Enterprises, a pumping equipment provider, announced that it had signed an agreement to acquire two wastewater treatment valve manufacturing companies, Riordan Materials Corporation and Florida Valve & Equipment Corp. and Environmental MD. The CEO of DXP Enterprises stated that these acquisitions were done keeping in mind the aim to expand operation in new geographic territories. A similar acquisition was done by Trillium Flow Technologies in February 2023, when it acquired Coulter Valve Service, a specialty valve manufacturing company. This acquisition, too, was done with the aim of expanding the company’s operations.

In summary, the global water and wastewater valves market is shaped by numerous factors- increased pace of urbanization, growing water scarcity problems, and strategic alliances done by major companies of the industry in order to gain an advantage in the market.

Rosy Behera

Rosy Behera

Author's Bio- Rosy Behera holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and now she is a content writer by profession. She loves to portray her thoughts and ideas with a nice command of words. Grabbing an audience with her creative write-ups is one of her biggest assets so far. Apart from writing, she is a certified “Odisi” dancer and has done Gardharva in Drawing, Painting, and Arts. She always explores new things through travel and is a big foodie.


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