How are Collagen Casings Transforming Modern Sausage Production?

12 Jun



  • Introduction
  • Why use collagen casings
  • Handtmann’s innovation
  • Key moves of industry leaders

For centuries, sausages have been made to preserve meat and produce delicious meals. Usually, sausages are made from ground meat stuffed into a casing. They are typically smoked and cured to preserve for a longer period and put into different types of casings depending on how they are prepared. Out of several types of casings including plant casings, synthetic casings, natural casings, and more, collagen casings have gained popularity as man-made edible casing because of its numerous benefits.

The origin of collagen casings

Collagen is a naturally occurring protein that provides structure and strength to animal tissues. Collagen casings are typically made from the hides of cattle, which are processed to extract and purify collagen. This collagen is then reconstituted into a gel, extruded into tubular shapes, and dried to form casings. These casings are available in various diameters and strengths, tailored to different types of sausages.

Reasons for the growing demand for collagen casings

Collagen casings are mainly known for their uniformity. Unlike natural casings, which vary significantly in diameter and strength, collagen casings offer consistent size and quality. This uniformity ensures even cooking and a consistent appearance, which is particularly important in commercial sausage production. Moreover, they are much user-friendly, requiring minimal preparation compared to natural casings. They are ready to use straight out of the package, saving time and reducing labor costs. This makes them an attractive option for both small-scale and large-scale sausage makers.

Most importantly, these man-made casings have a longer shelf-life when stored properly. They are more stable and less prone to contamination, providing a reliable option for sausage production. In addition, collagen casings are versatile and can be used for a wide range of sausages, from fresh sausages like bratwurst to cured and smoked varieties like salami. They are available in edible and non-edible forms. The non-edible collagen casings are often used for larger sausages that will be peeled before consumption.

Handtmann’s cutting-edge automated system for sausage producers

In August 2023, Handtmann, a leading global technology solutions provider launched the PVLH 251 AL system for medium-scale and industrial sausage producers. This system is designed to provide an automated production process for the portioning, linking, and hanging of cooked and dry sausages in cellulose and collagen casings. The system is well-suited for the dedicated production of hot dogs in cellulose casing. It is also beneficial for dry sausages, vegan and meat substitute products and has the potential to automate production for sausage products for the pet food segment. While using this system, the operator must refill the casing magazine with an optical signal to maintain continuous production. Moreover, the design of the new PVLH 251 voider belt and special voider elements provide particularly gentle positioning of the casing and consistent length.

Promising acquisitions by SARIA and NPP advancing packaging solutions for the meat sector

To promote the development in casing production and deliver a wide range of benefits to customers, several prominent players in the collagen casings industry have made profitable alliances. For instance, in March 2023, SARIA, a German family-owned group with a wide range of products and services and operations announced its acquisition of Devro, the world’s leading suppliers of collagen-based films and coatings for food, used by customers in the production of a wide variety of sausages and other meat products. With this acquisition, SARIA aimed to expand its product offerings by emphasizing collagen-based casings which includes activities in the field of natural sausage casings. Such developments have accelerated the growth of both companies, delivering notable benefits to customers, suppliers, and employees. Also, with this agreement, the companies envisioned embracing sustainable practices for high-quality collagen-based casings.

Furthermore, in July 2023, NPP, a national-level political party in India acquired Food Processing Technology (FPT) Irl Limited, a leading supplier of essential packaging materials for the meat, fish, and dairy sectors. Through this acquisition, FPT aimed to expand its product offerings by providing a wide variety of specialist materials to protect and extend the shelf life of various cooked meat products. The company planned to supply a wide range of shrink bags, vacuum bags and laminate films to align with NPP’s high-caliber product portfolio.

To wrap up, the growing preference for convenient and ready-to-eat food options among individuals is expected to increase the demand for sausage production in the coming years. Moreover, the increase in global meat consumption is predicted to significantly boost the growth of the landscape in the future.

To gain more insights into the collagen casing industry, feel free to talk to our esteemed analysts today! They will also help you identify potential investment opportunities across different regions.

Rosy Behera

Rosy Behera

Author's Bio- Rosy Behera holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and now she is a content writer by profession. She loves to portray her thoughts and ideas with a nice command of words. Grabbing an audience with her creative write-ups is one of her biggest assets so far. Apart from writing, she is a certified “Odisi” dancer and has done Gardharva in Drawing, Painting, and Arts. She always explores new things through travel and is a big foodie.


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