Sports Nutrition: Analyzing the Reasons Behind the Growing Investments in this Sector

7 Mar



  • Introduction
  • Role of sports dietetics and nutrition in the modern sports industry
  • Latest developments and trends in the industry

An injury is part of every athlete’s sports career; almost every sportsperson must undergo a grueling journey of rehabilitation and recovery. As the time required for recovery and rehabilitation increases, it becomes difficult for the athlete to bounce back and perform in the same manner he/she used to perform in the pre-injury days. Hence, many athletes and sportspersons witness a dip in form after returning from their injury. According to sports fitness experts and medical practitioners, the nutrition regime of the athlete before, during, and after the injury plays a major role in determining the time frame required for recovery.

How is sports nutrition important for athletes and sportspersons?

In the simplest terms, sports nutrition can be defined as the study of nutritional requirements and diet to improve the performance of sportspersons and athletes. Thus, this field is mainly concerned with the athlete’s consumption of essential nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Due to its direct correlation with the athlete’s performance, sports dietetics is an important component of all major sports, especially strength sports and endurance sports such as weightlifting, cycling, swimming, etc.

In the past few years, the demand for sports nutritionists and dieticians has increased tremendously owing to some vital benefits of sports dietetics and sports supplements. Professional sportspersons, despite following strict diets, face nutritional deficiencies due to the differences in metabolism and other bodily processes. Hence, the consumption of sports supplements becomes necessary. These supplements help in addressing the gaps in diets and fulfill the nutritional needs of the athlete comprehensively. For instance, protein powders, a popular sports supplement, are generally consumed to speed up the process of recovery. Moreover, these powders help increase the lean body mass of the athlete, thereby helping him/her to increase core strength. Whey, pea, soy, egg white, etc., are some popular sources of protein and hence are used in the manufacturing of protein powders.

Similar to protein powders, carbohydrate powders are also important, especially for sportspersons engaging in endurance sports. These powders help sustain the energy levels of the athletes and boost their strength during the competition or match. Apart from these two important constituents, vitamins and minerals are also a must for the overall health and nutritional requirements of an athlete. Micronutrients such as zinc, calcium, and iron help increase the resilience of the human body, thus enhancing the athlete’s capacity to bear physical pain. Even fats are important for the proper functioning of the athlete’s body and boosting his/her performance; nutritionists recommend sportspersons have 25 to 35% of fat in their diet. Along with these nutrients, caffeine, beta-alanine, fish oil, creatine, etc., help stimulate the brain and improve the digestive capabilities of the body.

Trends in sports nutrition that are revolutionizing the sports industry in 2024

With the changing nature of the global sports industry, the nutritional needs of athletes and sportspersons have also changed. Sports have become more competitive, and athletes are expected to perform in every match and tournament due to the pressure of fans and team management. This takes a toll on the athlete's body and hence the role of sports nutrition becomes even more critical. To adapt to these changing times, the sports nutrition industry has undergone tremendous evolution in the past few years.

In the recent past, the industry has witnessed the emergence of a new domain called nutrigenomics. As said earlier, different athletes react to nutrients and supplements differently due to genetic variations in every human. As a result of these genetic variations, the absorption and digestion of nutrients varies for each sportsperson, and in some cases, the performance of athletes does not improve despite regular consumption of supplements. Hence, a new branch of sports dietetics has come up called nutrigenomics or nutritional genomics. This branch of science takes into account the various genetic factors of an athlete and then recommends nutritional supplements as per his/her genetic profile.

Along with this, various new techniques have been devised which monitor the effect of nutritional supplements on the athlete’s body. Techniques such as sweat analysis aid nutritionists in understanding the rate at which the athlete is losing the nutrients from his/her body. Similarly, heart rate monitoring helps medical practitioners understand the rate at which the body is using up the nutrients. Thus, based on the reports of these tests, nutritionists can plan the nutrition and diet plan of the athlete.

To summarize, the field of sports dietetics and nutrition has become an indispensable part of the modern sports industry owing to its contribution to the rehabilitation and recovery of the athlete. Furthermore, the latest developments in this field such as the emergence of nutrigenomics and techniques like sweat analysis and heart rate monitoring are expected to widen the scope of the industry in the coming period.

To get an in-depth understanding of the growth drivers and investment opportunities in the sector, feel free to contact us.

Akhilesh Prabhugaonkar

Akhilesh Prabhugaonkar

Author's Bio- Akhilesh Prabhugaonkar holds a bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering from the reputed Vishwakarma Institute of Technology. He has a special interest in the fields of forensics, world history, international relations and foreign policy, sports, agriculture, astronomy, security, and oceanography. An ardent bibliophile and melophile, Akhilesh loves to write on topics of his interest and various other societal issues. This love for writing made him enter the professional world of content writing and pursue his career in this direction.


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