Food Processing Businesses Should Bet on High Fat Powders! Here’s Why

14 Feb



  • Introduction  
  • Reasons behind the growing demand for fat powders
  • Why is North America leading in fat powder consumption?
  • Innovative product launches in the industry

The growth in awareness across the world regarding the importance of healthy diets has led to an expansion of the food processing sector. With each passing day, newer products are being developed which not only enhance the taste and flavor of food items, but also offer numerous health benefits. High fat powders are one such example of food products that are being widely used in food production.

Why are high fat powders in huge demand from various food processing industries?

Though not in the present form, fat powders have been used for a long time now; the most basic fat powder in the 19th century was powdered milk. Osip Krichevsky, a Russian researcher, is attributed with the invention of the process for manufacturing powered milk. In the consequent years, the commercial production of powdered milk started, and it was used for preparation of different food items.

The rise in demand for modern fat powders can be traced to the increasing awareness in the Western countries regarding the importance of intake of good fats for overall well-being. The Covid-19 pandemic further escalated this demand for fat powders; the pandemic saw many people across the globe shift to balanced diets and healthy lifestyles as the emphasis was on developing a stronger immunity. As a response to this high demand, many food processing companies have started the production of energy bars, shakes, energy drinks, etc., which are rich in fats. For this, they are using high fat powders as an essential ingredient.

The sports industry has ballooned to a massive extent in the past few decades. Athletes and sportspersons are closely followed by their fans and every product endorsement by athletes leads to a surge in demand for those products. High fat capsules and powders are extremely rich in omega-3s and omega-6s fatty acids and hence form an important constituent of diets of athletes and sportspersons. These fatty acids enhance performance and aid in quick recovery of injuries. As a result, many athletes have endorsed the consumption of high fat capsules and powders which has further increased the awareness and consumption of these powders.

Lastly, the growth in demand for these powders is not just because of their health benefits; these powders can enhance the taste of various foodstuffs such as bakery items, confectionery products, ready-to-eat items, etc. As a result, many food processing companies are actively investing in high fat capsules and powders in order to seize the opportunities offered by the industry.

The rising awareness regarding fitness helping North America dominate the industry

The North America region is expected to have the largest market share in the high fat powder industry. The primary reason why North America has managed to grow rapidly is because of the rising proportion of fitness-conscious people in this region. A very high percentage of the youth population in this region regularly visit gyms and are health conscious. As a result, they put a huge emphasis on consuming healthy food items which provide comprehensive nutrition to the body. Nutrition supplements like high fat capsules and powders, hence, get a lot of recognition in this region. Furthermore, the surge in demand for “clean label” and “free-from” food items has played a major role in widening the scope of this industry in North America.

How are nutrition companies responding to the changing dynamics of the industry?

Many of the leading nutrition companies have understood the huge potential of the high fat powders industry. In order to capitalize on the opportunities offered by this industry, these companies have invested heavily in R&D of fat powders and even launched their products. For instance, in March 2021, Lus Health, a Dutch plant-based products manufacturer, announced the launch of a range of plant-based fat powders which are rich in omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids. The company has claimed that these fat powders are designed to fulfil the nutritional needs of the vegan population and will help the company to establish itself as the leader of the industry.

To conclude, high fat powders have received huge attention in the past few years owing to the growing awareness regarding the importance of healthy lifestyles. The growth of the industry in North America and innovative product launches by major companies will further enhance the scope of the domain in the next few years.

To gain a better understanding of the competitive landscape of the industry, talk to our experts today!

Akhilesh Prabhugaonkar

Akhilesh Prabhugaonkar

Author's Bio- Akhilesh Prabhugaonkar holds a bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering from the reputed Vishwakarma Institute of Technology. He has a special interest in the fields of forensics, world history, international relations and foreign policy, sports, agriculture, astronomy, security, and oceanography. An ardent bibliophile and melophile, Akhilesh loves to write on topics of his interest and various other societal issues. This love for writing made him enter the professional world of content writing and pursue his career in this direction.


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