Tracing the Reasons Behind the Rising Applicability of UV-C LEDs in Water and Air Disinfection

5 Feb


Key Takeaways:

  • Introduction
  • How UV-C LEDs help in water disinfection
  • Benefits of using ultraviolet-C LEDs in air purification
  • Reasons behind the high usage of UV-C LEDs in the Asia-Pacific region
  • Innovative product launches in the industry


The electromagnetic spectrum ranges from radio waves to gamma rays; the visible light spectrum forms a part of this electromagnetic spectrum. Traditionally, electrical technologies were dependent on visible light spectrum for development of new devices. Physicists have always opined that leveraging the power of the entire electromagnetic spectrum would usher in a new age of digital technologies. Hence, most of the research in the digital electronics sector is focused on using the power of other frequencies such as infrared, ultraviolet, gamma ray, microwaves, etc. The use of ultraviolet spectrum for developing new technologies is a part of this research.

What is commonly known as ultraviolet light has, in fact, four ranges: UV-A, UV-B, UV-C, Vacuum-UV. While UV-A has the longest wavelength, UV-C has the highest energy in the UV radiation range. The energy of UV-C radiation is so high that it has germicidal properties and hence is used to kill microorganisms including bacteria and viruses. To harness the power of UV-C radiation to its fullest potential, UV-C LEDs have been developed that emit photons in this spectrum.

Why are UV-C LEDs the preferred solution for water disinfection?

The increasing awareness regarding the importance of hygiene led to the use of chemicals for air and water purification. But as time passed, the side effects of such chemicals became apparent. These chemicals cause major environmental problems such as global warming and ozone depletion. At the same time, the onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic made disinfectants the main tool for curbing the spread of virus and infection. Both these factors have played a key role in pushing the use of UV-C LEDs for disinfection.

The biggest use of ultraviolet-C LEDs is for water disinfection. These LEDs emit photons in the range of 200-280 nm, which helps in obstructing the bacteria in water from reproducing, thereby limiting their number. Another reason why these LEDs have become popular as disinfectants is because they can be used in different setups. Just by changing the wattage of LEDs, these systems can be deployed in domestic tanks, municipal corporation reservoirs, and industrial tanks.

UV-C LEDs for air disinfection

Certain environments such as theaters, garbage landfills, mines, airports, etc., have high density of microorganisms in the air. Naturally, the possibility of contracting an illness through airborne infections is very high in such environments. Use of ultraviolet-C purifiers becomes an ideal solution in such cases. These LEDs or purifiers help emit UV photons through the air which can damage the DNA of the microorganisms present in the air. This brings down the rate of multiplication of these microbes, thereby ensuring safety of the people present there.

While chemicals and traditional ultraviolet-C lamps release harmful chemicals and mercury in the air, ultraviolet-C LEDs have no known side effects on the environment. Due to this advantage, they are increasingly used for water and air purification. In fact, the water/air disinfection segment of the UV-C LED industry is set to register an absolute revenue growth of $2,050.1 million in the 2023-2032 period.

Rise of UV-C LED usage in the Asia-Pacific region

An interesting trend that has been seen in the past few years is that a massive uptick has been recorded in the use of ultraviolet-C LEDs in the Asia-Pacific region, especially India. The India UV-C LED industry is expected to be the fastest growing with a CAGR of 42.99% by 2032. There are two major reasons behind this rise. First and foremost, a notable change in behavior has been seen in the people of this region. Common masses are increasingly demanding cleaner air and water as part of their basic rights. Secondly, this attitude for cleanliness and hygiene has been backed up by governmental authorities which are launching schemes and cleanliness drives for enhancing the well-being of the masses. Certain governments have even partnered with the private sector to scale the use of ultraviolet-C LEDs for water and air purification.

Which recent product launches should your business keep an eye on?

As said earlier, the private sector, too, has contributed to the rise of the UV-C LED industry; many innovative products have been launched by different companies, thus creating a competitive atmosphere in the industry. In January 2023, for instance, Nichia, the largest LED manufacturer in the world, announced the launch of a 280nm NCSU434C LED. This LED can emit ultraviolet-C radiation and is designed specifically for industrial purposes. Many such product launches including those by LeddarTech, Signify Holdings, Taoyuan Electron, etc., have pushed other companies to actively invest in R&D activities.

To summarize, the growing demand for cleanliness and hygiene, along with the rising concerns with respect to chemical disinfectants have pushed the use of and need for UV-C LEDs. These LEDs have become a popular solution for air and water disinfection, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. With many companies launching their own products, the industry is sure to flourish in the coming period.

To get a detailed analysis on the growth drivers, market restraints, and investment opportunities in the UV-C LED industry, talk to our experts today!

Rosy Behera

Rosy Behera

Author's Bio- Rosy Behera holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and now she is a content writer by profession. She loves to portray her thoughts and ideas with a nice command of words. Grabbing an audience with her creative write-ups is one of her biggest assets so far. Apart from writing, she is a certified “Odisi” dancer and has done Gardharva in Drawing, Painting, and Arts. She always explores new things through travel and is a big foodie.


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