How Can the Latest Advances in Aircraft Electrical Systems Drive Your Business toward Sustainability?

5 Feb



  • Advanced aircraft electrical systems in the aviation industry
  • Aircraft batteries for a sustainable flight
  • Cutting-edge innovations in the sector
  • Profitable acquisitions in the domain

In the past decade, although electric vehicles have undergone a huge transformation, the electrical aviation fleet is still in the initial stage. An electrical system is essential for the proper functioning of any modern aircraft. It is responsible for lots of operations in an aircraft including running of lights, functioning of the auxiliary fuel pump and engine starter motor, and many more. In short, an electrical system of the aircraft can generate, supply, and control electrical power to the aircraft. The complete electrical system comprises different equipment circuits and power supply circuits to carry multiple functions in an aircraft. This article delves deep into advanced electrical systems, and their role in bringing greener modes of transportation.

How can advanced aircraft electrical systems create waves in the aviation sector?

According to studies, the next-generation aircraft will be greener and more sustainable than ever before. Scientists and researchers predict the first electric, hydrogen-powered, hybrid planes will come into action by 2035. To successfully run emission-free aircraft, a lot of technologies should be considered. This range of technologies includes batteries, hydrogen combustion, fuel cells, and sustainable aviation fuel. Technologies apart, advanced electrical systems also play an important role in promoting the successful launch of such aircraft.

A modern aircraft electrical system comprises multiple voltage systems, combining AC and DC buses to power various aircraft components. The primary power generation is usually carried through AC buses with one or more transformer rectifier units (TRU). The generated power can be converted to DC voltage to power the DC buses as well. Moreover, these systems also facilitate the tertiary generation of electricity through hydraulic motors to provide redundancy in the case of multiple failures. These days, several aircraft electrical system manufacturing companies have started incorporating robust monitoring systems and failure-warning provisions to the electrical systems to aware pilots with several types of system failures including battery failure, TRU failure, and generator failure, and allow them to monitor the functions of circuit breakers as well.

Enhancing aircraft battery capabilities: Leading a greener future

Nowadays, the movement of people and cargo is increasing across the globe. This is why many aviation analysts and researchers are emphasizing making these movements more sustainable. As per studies, the aviation industry is responsible for 3% of the global greenhouse emissions. This leads aircraft manufacturers to focus on enhancing battery capabilities and reducing the weight of the other electrical components, enabling less fuel consumption and energy-efficient flights.

As batteries are the main components of the electrical systems of aircraft, incorporating better batteries can result in greater ranges of flights of about 300-500 miles. Presently, the aviation sector is provided with batteries from electric vehicles that can enable a small aircraft to cover only 150 miles. Many aviation analysts have found that jet fuel is more energy-dense than present battery systems. Recently, At And Battery Aero, a leading aviation and aerospace component manufacturing company has started developing energy-dense battery systems that can increase the range of aircraft to 250-300 miles.

Novel combustion technology: Rolls-Royce’s hybrid-electric engine

In the race to adopt sustainable practices for developing energy-efficient aircraft, Rolls Royce has come up with a game-changing solution. The company has developed a small gas turbine to power hybrid-electric aircraft, and in October 2023, it completed its first fuel burn. According to an announcement made by the company, it has expanded its electrical propulsion portfolio by using ultra-low emission technology. This technology utilizes an innovative combustion technology that will form a new turbogenerator system within the engine maker. The turbogenerator system is specially developed for advanced air mobility which includes electrical vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) or electric short take-off and landing (eSTOL) aircraft.

Matheu Parr, customer director at Rolls-Royce said that this newly designed system can support longer routes than electric battery-powered aircraft. He added that the company is aiming to develop all-electric and hybrid-electric power and propulsion systems to promote advanced air mobility. In addition, he stated, the developed turbogenerator system can allow passengers to travel further with potentially net zero emissions aircraft.

Promising acquisitions that can grab your business’s attention

The aircraft electrical system industry is witnessing a prominent growth and is predicted to rise at a CAGR of 6.2% from 2023 to 2032. The sector has undergone several mergers and acquisitions to foster the competitive landscape. For instance, in October 2023, Safran Electrical & Power, a leading aircraft equipment manufacturer announced its acquisition of an aeronautical electrical systems business of Thales to strengthen its position as a leader in the entire aircraft electrical chain. This acquisition would support the maintenance and production activities of Safran Electrical & Power for aeronautical electrical equipment in Orlando and Singapore.

To conclude, the increasing demand for air travel and the increasing development of electric and hybrid aircraft are the major factors that will bring extensive growth opportunities for the domain in the future. Moreover, the increasing demand for lightweight electrical systems can drive the sector to achieve new heights in the coming years.

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Rosy Behera

Rosy Behera

Author's Bio- Rosy Behera holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and now she is a content writer by profession. She loves to portray her thoughts and ideas with a nice command of words. Grabbing an audience with her creative write-ups is one of her biggest assets so far. Apart from writing, she is a certified “Odisi” dancer and has done Gardharva in Drawing, Painting, and Arts. She always explores new things through travel and is a big foodie.


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